Welcome to Port Melbourne Football Club

Picket Plaque


Port Melbourne Football Club Picket Plaques

82 in stock

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SKU: PMFC07 Category: Tag:


Over the last 150 years, the Port Melbourne Football Club has been part of the folklore of the VFA/VFL. Admitted to the VFA in 1886 our Club has participated in every season of the VFA/VFL since then. As a Club we may have been disliked by our opposition but we have always been respected and admired for our passion and resolve to be a very large part of Australian Rules football not only in Victoria but where ever the game is played and discussed.

To recognise the long and proud history the Port Melbourne Football Club offers the opportunity for our supporters to purchase a plaque that is placed on the fence pickets surrounding North Port Oval.

These plaques can recognise the coaches, players, Life members, officials and supporters of our Club.

The plaques can be a significant way of recording parts of history at PMFC.

The plaques will be made from marine grade stainless steel and the Borough emblem, red and blue markings are enameled on to the plaque.

The name of the coach, player, life member, official or supporter details will be engraved on the plaque.

The cost of each plaque is $125.00 incl. GST. The purchase and fitting of the plaque will be as per the terms and conditions shown below.



All plaques are to be ordered through the Port Melbourne Football Club either online, email, post, phone or in person at the Club. If ordered online, the club will be in contact.

Fitting of the plaques will be based on the first ordered and paid in full will be the first fitted. Positioning of each plaque around the ground is to be agreed upon by the PMFC and the purchaser.

Plaques will be purchased for a period of 10 years and the purchaser may extend this period when it becomes due.

Thank you to our major partners